MOERS provides qualified testing services to commercial and industrial organisations, colleges and universities, and individuals on the suitability of candidates and employees for the position and the field selection of students. It identifies individual and organisational motivational needs.
With its digital solutions, MOERS accompanies your corporate journey with comprehensive, reliable and lean reports from employee satisfaction to customer satisfaction, from corporate culture analysis to management consultancy.
Process management is a concept that has left its mark on today's management approach. MOERS Flow Process Management model adds value to your organisation in a wide range from training management to performance, career planning, document and risk management.

MOERS offers students, candidates, employees and companies an effective and reliable assessment and evaluation service with talent management tools. It contributes to individual and corporate career management by matching competencies with positions and branches.
With MOERS K-Test and MOERS General Ability Test, you can evaluate the competencies of candidates and employees and evaluate them for more than 350 positions. MOERS Motivation Test, on the other hand, provides you with real data reliably and online to determine the motivation level and needs of your employees.


05 Test design specific to the needs of the organisation
MOERS K-Test, which offers custom design for the positions in your organisation, offers reliable solutions for competency evaluation of candidates and employees.
01 Not an adaptation, the original
The MOERS K-Test was constructed entirely on 3,700 adults. It is not an adaptation test. It is an original test suitable for the personality and cultural structure of the country.

02 Scientific and certified

The high reliability of MOERS K-Test has been registered and certified by the Faculty of Medicine of Uludag University, Bursa. You can use it with confidence.
03 Matching by position
You can match job applicants with 410 different positions or evaluate the suitability of your employees for the position they are carrying out.

04 Potential analysis
You evaluate the performance of your employees. What about their potential? With MOERS K-Test, you can reliably analyse the potential of your employees.

06 Comprehensive and lean reporting
No further training is required to read and interpret the MOERS K-Test report. The 15-page report, supported by graphs, is not only extremely comprehensive, but also simple and clear.

07 Test solving in a short time
It can be solved in an average of 16 minutes on a smartphone, computer or tablet; it is reported in detail online in English-German-French-Turkish languages.

08 Continuous support
MOERS experts are ready to assist you for continuous, qualified and full support for your organisational needs, effective use of our products and your satisfaction.

The era of conducting surveys with paper and pen, telephone and cargo is over. Everything is digitalised today. MOERS Survey Management offers digital solutions with effective tools to manage your organisation in accordance with the requirements of the age by providing instant access to the information your business needs.
With MOERS Survey Management, you can evaluate the cultural values and elements of your organisation, the extent to which these values are adopted by employees, what are the managerial problems in your business, how you can solve these problems, and the satisfaction of your employees and customers online.

Corporate Culture Analysis
Corporate culture is a concept that includes genetic codes for the thinking, decision-making, behaviour and values of the management and employees and directly affects the success of the organisation. With MOERS Corporate Culture Analysis, we evaluate the culture of your organisation and present it in rich content and visually satisfying reports.
Customer Satisfaction Survey
Employee Satisfaction Survey

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